wide field astrophotography

The Perseid Meteor Shower is caused by dust and debris shed by the Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle when it passed through the inner solar system and across Earth’s orbital path. Comet Swift-Tuttle was last seen from Earth in 1992 and is not expected to return before 2126, however its residual debris can be seen annually (late summer) in this prolific meteor shower. The Perseids get their name because the point from which they appear to originate (called the radiant) lies in the constellation Perseus.

Nikon D750 | Sigma 24-70mm @ 24mm | 5.5 min timelapse | 2020-08-11
The 2020 Perseid Meteor Shower is seen here (above and below) from the lookout at the Kemble Women's Institute monument north of Owen Sound (Ontario, Canada) on Grey Road 1. If you look carefully near the centre of the image you can see the Andromeda Galaxy just above the bottom meteor.

In this annotated version (courtesy of Astrometry.net) the radiant point in the constellation of Persus is behind the large tree.
The Perseids looking north west over Georgian Bay from north Owen Sound.

Nikon D7100 | Sigma 18-24mm @ 27mm | 80 sec timelapse | 2020-08-14