wide field astrophotography

Jupiter Rising
Jupiter, the Pleiades and Capella rising over telescopes outside the E.S. Fox Observatory on the Bruce Peninsula.

Nikon D750 | Sigma Art 24-70mm @ 24mm | 2024-10-05
Red light trails at the Fox observatory.

Nikon D750 | Sigma Art 24-70mm @ 24mm | 2024-10-05

Harvest Moon Over Owen Sound Harbour
The September full moon rising over the Miller Silos in the Port of Owen Sound. This is a multi-frame panoramic view looking east across the inner harbour towards downtown Owen Sound.

Nikon D750 | Sigma Art 24-70mm @ 24mm | 2023-09-29
Another look at the Harvest moon rising over the silos. This time a shorter exposure of the sky reveals more detail in the full moon.

Nikon D750 | Sigma Art 24-70mm @ 24mm | 2023-09-29

New Moon at the Fox Observatory
This image is a nine panel long exposure panorama looking northward over the Fox Observatory (Bruce Peninsula, Ontario) at the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.
While still two hours before moonrise, the bright light behind the trees is the glow from the moon creeping over the horizon.

Nikon D750 | Sigma Art 24-70mm @ 24mm | 2023-08-12
The above image is a series of long exposure so the buildings, equipment and furniture appear stationary, but you will see some of the people as fuzzy blurs as they moved about.

This image was only supposed to be a quick test shot while I was out scouting locations for a night sky landscape. There is a lot wrong with the final result and I probably shouldn't even post it here, but looking past the test limitations (i.e. short exposure / high ISO), I was very pleased to capture the setting moon along with a small portion of the Milky Way and a shooting star.
I definitely think it will be worth planning a return shoot with the proper gear... and of course better timed to when the Milky Way is positioned closer the the centre of the frame.

Looking over the Sydenham River in Owen Sound as the moon sets over the southwest horizon and the Milky Way comes into view. A meteor (possibly from the delta Aquariids) is also visible streaking across the sky in the upper left of the image.
Nikon D750 | Sigma Art 24-70mm @ 24mm | 2022-08-31

Astrometric annotations detail some of the prominent features

August Supermoon

A four frame panoramic of the full moon (supermen) over Owen Sound harbour. Image captured looking SE towards the harbour beacon and the Public Health building.
Nikon D750 | Sigma Art 24-70mm @ 70mm | 2022-08-31

Astrometric annotations showing some of the prominent stars and planets in the image