wide field astrophotography

Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) seen here was photographed over Georgian Bay as it passed through the constellation Ursa Major. Having only recently been discovered (March 27, 2020) by astronomers working on the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope, it was a welcome surprise in the night sky. Neowise was the brightest comet seen in the northern hemisphere since Hale–Bopp in 1997. Neowise originates in the outer reaches of our solar system and won't be seen again from Earth for another 6,800 years. It made make its closest pass to Earth (64 million miles) on July 22/23, 2020 (a few days after this image was captured.

Nikon D750 | Sigma 70-200mm @ 165mm | 6 min exposure | 2020-07-17
Comets are made up of ice, rock and dust. As their orbit brings them closer to the sun, they heat up and often stream two tails. The brighter whitish tail is made up of dust and gas, and the somewhat dimmer bluish tail is made of electrically-charged gas molecules, or ions. An eerie greenish glow (diatomic carbon) is sometimes also visible around the comet’s coma.

Astronomical annotations show comet location and attributes
The bright star almost directly above the comets nucleus is Talitha in the constellation Ursa Major.

Captured from the shores of Georgian Bay (Owen Sound), Comet Neowise (C/2020 F3) is seen passing under the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major. Also visible in the frame are two meteors below and to the left of Neowise.

Nikon D750 | Sigma 24-70mm @ 24mm | 30sec exposure | 2020-07-17

Astronomical annotations detail the surrounding constellations