This image includes the bright star Ruchbah (Delta Cassiopeiae, Ksora) and several interesting open star clusters.
Laying almost 100 light years away, Ruchbah is easy to find with the naked eye as it is the bright star at the lower left point in the “W” shaped constellation Cassiopeia.
Star Clusters in Cassiopeia © Irwin Seidman

Nikon D750 | WO Zenithstar 61ii 360mm | 70.5 minute exposure | 2020-11-04

The formation below and to the right of Ruchbah is the open cluster M103 (NGC581). The cluster contains more than 40 stars and is about 10,000 light years from Earth. Over to the right of M103 and about 7800 light years away from our solar system is the open cluster, NCG 659 (Yin-Yang Cluster). Almost directly below that is NGC 663 (Lawnmower Cluster). This open cluster contains about 400 stars and sits about 6,850 light years from us. And lastly, below and to the left of NGC663 sits NGC654 (Fuzzy Butterfly Cluster). Containing 80 member stars, the open cluster lies some 6,650 light years from our home planet
Star Clusters in Cassiopeia (annotated) © Irwin Seidman

Astrometric annotations for above image courtesy of

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