wide field astrophotography

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is a long-period comet originating in the Oort cloud (which lies far beyond Pluto at the most distant edges of the Kuiper Belt). This comet was discovered in March 2022 by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) in Pasadena, California.
C/2022 E3 reached its closest approach to Earth (44 million km) about 10 days before these photograph were taken. Observers (Northern Hemisphere) will only have until the end of April (2023) to see this comet after which it will disappear from telescopic view for another 50,000 years. For some timeline perspective… the last time this comet passed us, Neanderthals walked the Earth.

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) and the Pirate Moon Cluster (NGC 1647)

Nikon D750 | WO Zenithstar 61ii 360mm | 1 hour , 13min exposure | 2023-02-12
Photographed from Bortle Class 4 skies near Allenford, Ontario, this image also includes the Pirate Moon Cluster (NGC1647) which can be seen a little more than 1 degree left of the comet
Off gassing of CN (carbon-nitrogen) and C2 (diatomic carbon) molecules gives this comet a bright eerie green glow around its nucleus. A yellowish/whitish tail of dust and debris and a fainter blue ion tail can also be seen.

Astronomical annotations

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) and Mars
Captured one night earlier (than the image above) this version shows comet C/2022 E3 ZTF and Mars sitting about 1.5 degrees a part in the constellation of Taurus. Slightly less detailed, this image was captured from more light polluted Bortle Class 5 skies in Owen Sound.

Nikon D750 | WO Zenithstar 61ii 360mm | 15 min exposure | 2023-02-11

Astronomical annotations